Here you can find all our store and product Reviews/Testimonials from the last 12 months (or older if especially relevant to portray a fair picture of the opinions of our costumers, friends and critics too!). You can find a Review Policy/Guidance at the bottom of this page which, amongst other things can tell you how to enhance the credibility of your reviews.

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Do TILT Professional Makeup's 'Terms & Conditions' apply to the use of the reviews feature?

Yes. You can access our Terms & Conditions and related policies in the 'Useful Links' section at the bottom of this page


Who can post Reviews/Testimonials?



How can I post a Product or Store Review?

You can post your store reviews in this page in the appropriate section provided above ("Site Reviews" tab). For product reviews you can post them on the appropriate product page or, if you shop online with us, reviewing a product you've bought by answering an email we'll send you requesting a review. If you do not wish to receive follow-up/review-request emails on your next online purchase you have the option to unsubscribe from them at the bottom of that first email. You will never be sentfollow-up/review-request emails again on all future purchases you make.


What are those 'badges' showing under the name of some reviewers?

Those 'badges' are shown on your review depending on how you choose to sign it.

The 'Verified Buyer' badge shows by default if you made a review by replying to a review-request email we've sent you after you bought online with us. It certifies that the product is being reviewed by someone who bought it from us and has therefore tested it.

The 'Verified Reviewer' badge will show when, after you've written your review, you opt to sign it by logging into one of your social media accounts (FB, Twitter, G+ and LinkedIn available). Our review system does NOT collect any log-in details of your social media accounts. Signing reviews through this method is highly recommended to give your review credibility in the eyes of other readers.

Can I post anonymously? 

We allow anonymous reviews. However, it is our belief, based on research, that posting anonymous reviews diminishes their credibility in the eyes of readers. We also don't promote anonymous reviews in our social media platforms.


Can I include links to external site in my reviews?

You can, but they will have to relate directly to the subject of the review and not serve purposes of self-promotion or publicity/advertising. For example, if you are reviewing our store or a product using quotes of a review you posted on your blog/webpage, we have no objection of you mentioning the link to your website's complete review page. We will moderate any such instances on a case-by-case basis. Also, all reviews including links to third-party websites should be signed using the social media authentication feature provided. No hard-feelings, we hope!


Are all reviews published?

All reviews are moderated before being published. This is mainly to ensure our review system is free of spam. We will endeavour to do this as often as possible.

We will not publish reviews that:

- Contain foul language or profanity. Even if you were saying something was £@&%!*& amazing! ;)

- Might be construed as spam or defamatory towards persons, brands or institutions.

- Are in violation of copyright.

We may also take down reviews at the request of third parties that feel any of their statutory rights were breached by the review's content.


Note on review/testimonials content liability:

All reviews/testimonials  are personal to (and the responsibility of) the person writing it and are not given or endorsed by Tilt Professional Makeup Ltd.

Special Note(s):

- These conditions may be amended at any time at the discretion of TILT Professional Makeup.

- Last updated 10/02/2022