Below you will find information on our shipping and delivery: methods, destinations, pricing, availability and conditions of hire.

Shipping Pricing, Guidance, Conditions and generic FAQ's

Please check the 'Professional Use Only' section of our website.



  • Delivery conditions apply from the date that we confirm we have posted/shipped your order successfully.
  • Force Majeure (meaning some physical or material restraint) events that discharge the sender from any delivery timeframes agreed are industrial action, natural disasters, pandemics, outbreak of hostilities, trade disputes between countries and machinery breakdown on the part of the sender or the designated shipping company that will perform the delivery. You will, nevertheless, be entitled to a full refund if delivery has not been possible 60 days after the shipping of goods. This guarantee does not include customs or delivery disputes where incomplete information was provided by the customer and have therefore delayed the arrivel of your order.

Special Note(s):

- These conditions and guidance may be amended at any time at the discretion of TILT Professional Makeup.

- Last updated 10/02/2023